Maintenance Request Form

Please fill in as much as possible as this will allow us to respond more efficiently OR click here for a printable version of this form.

Maintenance/Service Request

Phone: 561.214.4517, 954.302.2322, 772.607.9586, Fax: 561.616.3454

Allied Property Management Group, Inc., 1711 Worthington Rd. Suite 103, West Palm Beach, FL 33409

Use this form to submit general maintenance and service requests. For life threatening emergencies call 911. For emergency service call the number above that is local to your area and follow the prompts for emergency service. Burst/leaking pipes, water intrusion, preservation of the unit and prevention of further damage are some examples of emergency service. Air conditioning and appliance repairs ARE NOT emergency repairs, however they are treated as priorities.

Current Date 2/14/2025   Name   Best Way to Contact Me
Property Address   Unit #   City
Cell Phone   Home Phone   Work Phone

Have You Reported This Issue Before:   Yes No     Are There Pets in the Home   Yes No

Describe the Problem:
-Be as specific as possible including room/location and any details to help us diagnose the problem. Include make/model/serial number for appliances.

What, if Any, Actions Have You Taken to Fix The Issue, or to Determine The Cause:

I have read, understand, and agree to the following (submission will not be accepted unless checked)

Service calls are scheduled within 7 days of submitting this request. Home builder's warranties may take longer. A/C and appliance repairs are not emergencies, however are treated as priorities.
You will be charged for the repair cost/service call (including trip charges): -If damage or repair need was caused by any of the authorized residents or their guests/invitees (clogged garbage disposal/sink/toilet, misused appliance, not changing A/C filters appropriately, garbage disposal reset or burnout, etc). -If repair is your responsibility per your Lease Agreement (replacing bulbs, A/C filters, smoke detector batteries, flipped breakers, minor repairs as defined as those under $50, sliding screen/doors off tracks, toilet tank hardware issues, etc). -If you miss an appointment with a service technician or assigned vendor - $50 charge applies

By submitting this form you agree and acknowledge the above terms and the terms of your lease.

Privacy Policy:
We are committed to protecting your privacy. The information you enter on our site is held in confidence between you and us. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.