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High: 82 F Low: 68 F Humid with clouds and sun
High: 80 F Low: 70 F Partly sunny and humid
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Currently in Miami, FL: 81 °F and Mostly Cloudy
In some cases, owners exiting forbearance can’t afford their home. But with rising values, many can still sell, turn a small profit and not harm a strong credit score.
Good, shareable video can expand a listing’s reach, but it’s underutilized by buyers’ agents. However, some private vendors can help video-averse agents.
Survey: Long-held ideas about work, home and commute times have been upended, and 41% of Americans would take a pay cut to live in a more affordable location.
Mortgage rates have been so low that most homeowners refinance and take out cash for home improvement projects. But that could change when rates start to move up.
A study to find the impact of new credit score data – rent and utility payments – found the biggest boost for consumers who haven’t used credit in at least six months.
A 10% capital-gains tax reduction for properties owned at least five years expires on Dec. 31 since future purchases won’t qualify for the five-year time minimum.
To retain their Realtor status, members must satisfy NAR’s Code of Ethics training requirement within the next 24 days if they haven’t already done so.
The foreclosure ban ended, sending numbers higher (up 34% quarter-to-quarter, 68% year-to-year) – but the impact on the market is minimal so far.
The short-term rental company will add an upscale doghouse to a rental for an extra $100. It offers five styles, including a chalet with a fireplace.
NAHB: During the pandemic, many city dwellers turned to suburban and exurb homes. The trend continues but less so as cities see a spike in buyer demand.
Evergrande, a huge Chinese real estate firm, has a $310B mountain of debt. Collapse could create a housing crisis, but it’s unclear how China will handle it.
A Conn. town reached an agreement with the Justice Dept. after it used zoning laws to ban disabled-adult group homes from residential neighborhoods.
Shell companies can’t buy RE in 12 metros without identifying actual owners – a way to curtail money laundering – and the U.S. hopes to expand the program.
As expectations for virtual “real estate” heat up, prices follow. That $2.4M buys 116 parcels (6,090-square-feet) in Decentraland, which only exists online.
Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis formed and deployed two new teams to investigate fraud – a total of 13 members that includes detectives.
Foreign investors traditionally eye Miami but rising real estate costs have pushed them toward other metros, such as Orlando, Tampa and Jacksonville.