Online Statements for Tenants

If you have an account, please log on below:

Email Address:

  Forgot Password?   Get User Instructions

Below are links to help you learn more about accessing your account, including statements and documents.

  • Introduction
  • We are committed to providing exceptional management for your properties. The online statements and documents service allows you to:

    • Access your online statements and documents through a secure, password protected interface at any time, from any computer with an Internet connection. You do not have to be home to receive the most up to date information about your account.
    • Receive access to your financial information immediately after it has been posted through our system. No more waiting for mailed statements.
    • Retrieve extra or replacement copies of statements, invoices, photos, and documents easily and at your convenience.
    • Contact us immediately through our Online Feedback feature if you have questions about your account.

  • Creating An Online Account
  • Before you can access your online account for the first time, you must create a secure logon.

    1. Click on the "Create Account" button and enter:
    • Your email address - this must match the email address we have on file for you. This will be your logon username.
    • A password of your choosing - the password should be easy for you to remember, but hard for others to figure out.
    2. Review the Terms of Use Agreement displayed on the next screen before proceeding.
    3. Click on "Create Account" to permanently save your account logon. Please record your email address username and your password for future reference.
    4. Click on the "Logon" link, or return to the Account Logon section of our website to log on to your online account.

  • Using the System
  • Immediately after you have created your account logon, you will be able to access your online account. During subsequent visits, you will need to enter your email address and your password to gain access.

    After you log on to your account, you will use the tabbed navigation (Figure 2) at the top of the screen to access each of the system features that has been enabled for your account. If you do not see the option you are looking for, you may need to contact us to verify that it has been enabled for your account and that your data has been posted online. the best Investment Advisors here at home and around the world, and will have a diversified portfolio that conforms to the guidelines and direction you set in advance. This process means you will receive specific, appropriate investment recommendations, and each recommendation will be clear and well thought-out.

  • View Statements
  • Click on the "Statement" tab to view your most recent online statement. We publish online statements periodically, in much the same manner as printed statements were mailed to you. However online statements can be viewed by you immediately after they have been posted electronically.

    When you open your current online statement, the statement summary view will be displayed. The summary view provides an outline by category of all income and expenses for the statement period.

    You must click on the "View Detail" button at the top of the statement in order to view the itemized transactions for the statement period. On occasion, one or more of your itemized transactions may be displayed in color and be underlined. When you see this, it means that we have linked one of the documents in your online document folder to a line item on your statement. The linked document will provide you with additional information about this statement item. Click on the text to view the associated document.

    You may select a "Statement Style" preference at the top of the statement screen:
    · Running balance, sorted by date
    · Income/expenses, sorted by unit

    If your online statement displays transactions for multiple units, you may prefer the "Income/expenses, sorted by unit" statement style.

    Click on the "Print" icon at the top of the statement view to print a copy of your online statement.

    Your online statement will display our company information at the top, and may include some additional notes.

  • Past Statements
  • If this feature has been enabled for your online account, you will be able to click on the "Past Stmts" tab to access your statement archive. Select a statement from the drop down select list and then click on the "View/Print" button to review or print one of your past statements.

  • View Documents
  • Click on the "Documents" tab to view past and current online documents. Documents are filed according to the month of upload. The current month's folder will be displayed at the top, click on this folder to access the documents filed inside. Be sure to review all the current documents each month - they may contain critical information.

    The documents displayed inside each folder are assigned a filename, a document name, the date of upload, and will display the file size. Click on an individual document filename to open the associated document. You must have a program installed on your computer that is suitable for opening the document, or you may receive an error message.

    Common file types include:
    Microsoft Word - .doc
    Corel Word Perfect - .wpd
    Microsoft Publisher - .pub
    Notepad -.txt
    Microsoft Excel - .xls
    Adobe Acrobat - .pdf
    Image File - .jpg
    Image File - .gif

    If we post a document in a format that you cannot read, please notify us. If you do not have a PDF reader installed on your computer, you can download free reader software from
    The color of the document icon differs based on the category of document that has been posted to your account.

    Gray icon - personal, confidential documents specifically for you
    Blue icon - document posted to all of our clients

  • Saving Documents
  • To save a document from your online document file to your computer:

    1.Right click on the document filename.
    2.Click on "Save Target As" (Figure 6a)
    3.Select the computer location you want the document saved to
    4.Click "Save"

  • View Statements
  • Use the "Search Documents" feature at the bottom of the Documents screen to quickly locate a document by a keyword in the document name, subject, or description.

  • Feedback
  • Click on the "Contact" tab to send us your comments and/or questions by email. Complete the online feedback form and then click on "Send Message" to send the email to us (Figure 8). A confirmation message will be displayed to verify that your message has been sent. We will review your comments and follow up with you as needed.

  • Change Password
  • You maintain complete control over you online account password and may change it as you determine is necessary.

    To change your password:
    1.Click on the "Password" tab
    2.Enter your current password.
    3.Enter the new password. You password should be easy for you to remember, but difficult for others to guess.
    4.Click "Change Password" to save your new password. A confirmation message will be displayed to verify that your password has been updated. Be sure to record your new password and store it in a safe place.

    If you forget your password, you can request a password reminder from the Account Logon screen. The password reminder will be delivered to your logon username/email address. If this
    email address is no longer valid, please contact us so that we can update our records.
  • Log Off
  • When you are ready to exit your online account, click on the "Log Off" tab (Figure 10) to log off and secure the computer you are using. Logging off properly will ensure that no subsequent computer user will automatically log on to your account and access you statements and/or documents. However, if you leave the website or disconnect from the Internet without logging off of your online account, the system will automatically log you off in an hour.


Privacy Policy:
We are committed to protecting your privacy. The information you enter on our site is held in confidence between you and us. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.